Top Message
Further strengthening functions based on logistics
Message from the President & CEO
Thank you for visiting our website.
We are currently living in a time of unprecedented risk.
Amidst this, I feel that the importance of our company's work, which supports the foundation of the economy, is increasing even more.
As a trading firm-affiliated logistics company, we have a full lineup of capabilities to meet the challenges of the entire supply chain during the global logistics turmoil.
With a market-oriented mindset at all times, we will continue to utilize our mobility to perform meticulous, handcrafted work that is suited to the needs.
We advocate "management from the heart" and strive to satisfy all our stakeholders by providing attentive services to our customers and aiming to be a workplace in which all employees can be involved.
We look forward to growing together with you in the future.
Hiroshi Oka
President & CEO
Message from the Chairman
Thank you for visiting our website.For over half a century since ITOCHU LOGISTICS Group started in business, we have made maximum use of our information collecting ability, overseas networks and furthermore our logistics functions covering land, sea, and air, which are our strengths as a commercial logistics company, to provide comprehensive logistics services to our customers.With the global economy currently entering an era of immense change, I think our customers' logistics needs are also becoming increasingly sophisticated and complex. In line with our motto of a “hands-on approach,” we will therefore continue to put effort into providing individually “crafted” logistics services that match the logistics needs of each of our customers.The strength of a commercial logistics company is "comprehensive logistics solutions backed up by distribution channels".
This is precisely what ITOCHU LOGISTICS Group aims for.Based on ITOCHU LOGISTICS Group's management philosophy of “contributing to society through logistics business and satisfying stakeholders in higher dimensions,” we have not only established standards for corporate behavior and ensured strict compliance but we are also striving to formulate more transparent corporate governance.Our aim is to grow with our customers and partners through the corporate activities outlined above, and so we look forward to even closer ties with you in the future.
Kazuhide Sasa
Director Chairman