Food Industry

To live is to eat, drink, and cook. That's why we transport

We are engaged in a wide range of logistics services related to food and food products, including center operations for major convenience stores and mass retailers, and delivery of drinking water and frozen foods.
We have extensive experience in services such as inspection work and distribution processing, storage in freezer warehouses and bonded warehouses, and forwarding services utilizing refrigerated containers.

Storage and supply of frozen products to convenience stores

A behind-the-scenes player - supplying frozen products to over 1,960 convenience stores every day -

We have a wide range of food-related experience, including center operations for major convenience stores and mass retailers, and delivery of drinking water and frozen foods. Especially for frozen products, we receive ice cream, frozen foods, and food sold in a hot display case next to the cash register from various manufacturers in our freezer warehouse, and sort and ship them based on shipping orders received from each convenience store every morning.

We perform detailed sorting of about 400 items in a limited time to avoid delays in delivery to stores by implementing mechanization (DPS: Digital Picking System) and achieve stable supply under thorough time management.

Arterial transport in 3 temperature zones

Kanto ↔ Hokkaido arterial transport in 3 temperature zones & center functions

We are responsible for arterial transport from Kanto to Hokkaido, distribution processing, and store delivery. After disembarking from ferries, the goods go directly to through centers in 3 temperature zones for immediate sorting, and we make full use of approximately 1,300 trailers per year to achieve short lead times covering the entire Hokkaido region.

At the same time, we are also involved in arterial transport from Hokkaido to Kanto and Kansai, and our strength lies in our logistics knowledge that takes into account snowfall and other regional characteristics.

Global Transportation of Dole Fruits, Vegetables, and Processed Products

Transportation system covering Dole's global supply chain

We have been involved in the Dole business, one of the world's largest sales volumes of bananas and pineapples, and the world's top share in the processed products business producing processed fruits and vegetables, since its acquisition by ITOCHU through shipping arrange, cost reduction, and development into a forwarding business. We are also supporting the logistics aspect of the pineapple production business in the Republic of Sierra Leone, which is scheduled to begin commercial production in 2022.


We have dispatched two expatriates from our company. They are deeply involved in supply chain management, providing close support from a logistics perspective in underdeveloped areas where roads are not yet developed.

Pineapple plantation
Undeveloped roads
Undeveloped roads

Import agent for processed meat products

Supplying 30,000 tons of imported processed meat products to CVS*1 per year

We provide import agency services for processed meat products. We handle complicated import declarations such as " Animal Quarantine for Import Products" and "Notification for Importation of Foods" required when importing processed meat products and distribute 30,000 tons annually on behalf of our customers by making full use of our nationwide network of port warehouses.

We manage the ever-changing shipping schedule, customs clearance, warehouse arrangements, inventory and expiration date management, and center-to-center transportation arrangements to reduce the burden on our customers by providing a variety of support services for a stable supply.


*1 Convenience stores

Taking on the challenge of business that goes beyond logistics on the global stage

Taking on the challenge of business that goes beyond logistics on the global stage